Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The 9th Age

This year was very strange one. No one expected that GW will annihilate Warhammer FB once and for all and Age of Sigmar...well, it is no way the game we loved so much. The good news were the beginning of the development of an alternative version of the game and the fact that ETC decided to support fan-movement - The 9th Age has become real.

And turning my attention towards this setting I was thinking of rather stay true to my Dwarf force or try something different: Beastmen (Beast Herds) or Estalia (using rules for Empire of Sonnstahl).

At first I tried to make some rosters to find out what I was going to collect & play. So here is a deal:

Dwarf Holds - 2500

Lords = 470
King (General) 135, Great weapon 10, Shield Bearers 50, Rune of Iron 10, 3*Rune of Shielding 45 = 250
Daemon Seeker 130, Grim Resolve 40, Monster Seeker 30, Rune of Quickening 20 = 220

Heroes = 300
Thane 70, BSB 25, Hold Stone 25, Shield 8, 2*Rune of Shielding 30 = 158
Runic Smith 70, Shield 2, Rune of the Forge 5, Rune of Denial 35, 2*Rune of Iron 20, Battle runes (Oath, Resilience) 10 = 142

Core = 642
28 Greybeards 288, FCG 30, Great weapon 84 = 402
10 Greybeards 90, shield 10, throwing weapons 20 = 120
10 Greybeards 90, shield 10, throwing weapons 20 = 120

Special = 1087
18 Deepwatch 230, FCG 30 = 260
9 Seekers 99, Champion 10, Skirmish 18 = 127
20 Miners 190, Standard 10, Great weapon 40 = 240
20 Miners 190, Standard 10, Great weapon 40 = 240
Cannon 100, Engineering runes 15 = 115
Catapult 90, Engineering runes 15 = 105

2499 pts

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