Thursday, October 27, 2016

Roster Dwarf Holds v.1.2.2

Recently the 9th Age v1.2 has absorbed most o my gaming attention. It is currently in the process of the separation from the WHFB in every aspect of the game but the core ones, from magic lores to armies restrictions and point costs. Not so sure I'm glad to this fact but here is my new roster for the DH army:

Dwarf Holds - 4500

Characters [max 35%] 1536 - 34,1%
  • King (General) 230, Great weapon 20, Shield Bearers 120, Rune of Iron 20, 3*Rune of Shielding 90 = 480
  • Dragon Seeker 220, Monster Seeker 60, Rune of Quickening 40, Rune of Smashing 70 = 390
  • Thane 120, BSB 50, Hold Stone 50, Shield 16, Runic Standard of Shielding 90, 2*Rune of Iron 40 = 366
  • Anvil of Power 200, Rune of Shattering 50, Rune of Storms 50, Rune of Reckoning (free) = 300
Core [at least 25%) 1324 - 29,4%
  • 28 Greybeards 576, FCG 60, Great weapon 168 = 804
  • 10 Greybeards 180, shield 20, throwing weapons 40, Vanguard 20 = 260
  • 10 Marksmen 220, Guild-crafted Handguns 40 = 260 [count towards the Clan's Thunder ]
Special [no limit] 1150 - 25,5%
  • 18 Deepwatch 444, FCG 60 = 304
  • 9 Seekers 198, Champion 20, Skirmish 18 = 236
  • 15 Miners 280, Champion 20, Great weapon 60 = 360
  • 10 Miners 180, Musician 20, Pistol 50 = 250 [count towards the Clan's Thunder]
Engines of War [max 20%] 490 - 10,8%
  • Flame Cannon 130, Rune Crafted 40 = 170
  • Flame Cannon 130, Rune Crafted 40 = 170
  • Ballista 120, Rune Crafted 20, Flaming Shot 10 = 150